
Showing posts from December, 2018

My Best Artwork

This is a portrait of my characters of a story I'm working on. I did this earlier this year, at the beginning of the semester. I can gladly tell myself I have improved since this piece of artwork, but it still holds a nice spot in my art heart.

Coffee Shop Design

This is a graphic of the Coffee Shop Red, White, & Brew. I make the & sign a little person holding a coffee mug, which is snuggled into a heart for the background. I wanted a simple but effective design.

Collage of Drawings from Outside

This was a collage piece that resembles a tree and a small bush with some berries. I like the way this piece looks, it gives a warm feeling when I look at it. I originally drew a regular tree, and then cut it up,  then glued the pieces to arrange in a different tree. Kinda a tongue twister!

Value Study (Sketchbook)

This assignment was to create a double-sided sheet about Value. Definitions can be found on the sides, along with a value scale. On the left is a cut out photograph of a woman, and on the right side is a re-creation of the other side of her face.

Value Graphed Project

This piece is in commemoration of my cat who passed away last October, Puzzle. This piece is one of my favorites because of the different medias I explored, and my values! I think a strong suit in this piece is my realistic squares that I did. I think I captured my cat's essence. 

Scratch Board / Entry for All State

This is a Red Breasted Robin, a noticeably round bird known for its fluffy exterior.  This scratch board drawing was used to define its almost cotton ball figure, and I worked my way to make sure the bird had texture. He's sat on a nice and warm branch.